the changing light at sandover ne demek?

The Changing Light at Sandover is a monumental epic poem written by James Merrill. It was published in three volumes from 1976-1980.

The poem tells the story of Merrill and his partner David Jackson's experiences with a group of various spirits they come into contact with through a Ouija board. The spirits claim to be a group of former humans, including Merrill’s deceased friend, a poet named Harry Thomson. As Merrill and Jackson spend time with these spirits, they learn about the afterlife and explore themes such as love, death, and spirituality.

The poem is unique in its use of the Ouija board as the source of its composition; Merrill and Jackson would sit at the board and transcribe the messages they received over the years. The poem is also notable for its blend of poetic styles, including lyric poetry, narrative prose, and drama.

The Changing Light at Sandover was a critical success and has been hailed as one of the most important works of American poetry in the late 20th century.